Where Drainage Matters in Breweries

Experienced brewers understand the long term cost savings associated with proper waste water management. Properly designed waste water collection reduces water usage, labor and maintenance costs as well as utility expenses to run cleaning or pressurized equipment.

The Craft Brewers Association published a Waste Water management report in 2015 showcasing that the average brewer uses 4.7 liters of waste water for every liter of beer produced. With unsophisticated brewers creating as much as  as 7.8 liters of waste  per beer liter. Regardless if you are very water conscious or oblivious to waste water creation the fact remains. Collecting and disseminating waste water is of utmost importance in the brewery industry.


Slot Drain Installed in Prairie Pride Brewery

There are five areas that typically require drainage solution in a brewery operation.

  • Brew house
  • Fermentation room
  • Bottling area
  • Warehouse
  • Tasting room

In each of these areas decisions must be made to either implement a stand alone floor drain or  linear trench drain.

Pot drains can save money in the short run as they are typically inexpensive but require the floor to be sloped in several directions to each individual drain. With constant pitch changes in the floor grade this can wreck havoc on equipment as it leans and can create work related injuries from performing tasks on uneven surfaces.  If you have ever had to squeegee liquids over a long stretch to angle towards a distant floor drain you will come to the conclusion that pot drains are not the solution for this industry.

The alternative solution is for a linear trench drain solution. Trench drains are sold as both Grated drains and slot Drains. Grated drains typically cover a 6 or 12” trench cut into the floor. Trench drains provide an advantage to multiple floor sloping as the floor slopes to one continuous vantage point in your environment. A graded drain allows you to see inside the drain and spot any materials that may have found their way into the drain. Careful consideration must be made again for the long run as cleaning routines will require the grates to be removed and regularly cleaned. Removing grates can be dangerous if they are made from heavier materials which create pinch hazards. As well removing grates can also create a fall or trip hazard if they are being cleaned in a high traffic area. Grates also invariably get broken or warp with repeated forklift or heavy mobile cart traffic. One should always keep a budget for the inevitable expense of grate replacement.

Slot Drain-Installed-in-Brewery

Slot Drain Installed in Brewery Emperial

Slot drain on the other had provides the same performance opportunities afforded by a trench drain without the hassles or expense of a grated system. Slot Drain is load Class F rated allowing the heavy loads to travel across the slot, and with no grates there is no fear of breakdown, trip or pinch hazards. Mother Nature’s own Gravity ensures that liquids that run towards the open slot hit the drain edge and collects the liquid in the drain body below the surface. It is especially effective compared to grated drains when high volume water sheeting is an issue. As water can run across a surface grate increasing the time for water to dissipate. This becomes an issue if you are using high temperature wash down and have concerns over steam usage.


Slot Drain Installed in Forklift-operated Facilities

Slotdrain Guide